How To Trim APNG Images Using FFMPG?
Recently I’ve faced this task in my work, so, tried to automate it a bit.
Mostly Generated by ChatGPT
To trim transparent pixels from an APNG (Animated PNG) image using FFmpeg, you can follow these steps:
1. First, make sure you have FFmpeg installed on your system. If not, you can download it from the official website:
2. Convert the APNG to individual PNG frames. Create a folder named `frames` to store the extracted frames:
mkdir frames
ffmpeg -i input.apng -vsync 0 frames/frame_%03d.png
3. Install ImageMagick to crop the transparent pixels. You can download it from the official website:
4. Use ImageMagick to find the bounding box for all the frames:
convert frames/frame_*.png -define registry:temporary-path=./tmp -trim -layers merge +repage -format “%@” info: > bbox.txt
This command will create a `bbox.txt` file containing the common bounding box for all the frames.
5. Read the `bbox.txt` file and store the bounding box values in a variable:
bbox=$(cat bbox.txt)
6. Use ImageMagick to crop all the frames using the common bounding box:
mogrify -crop $bbox +repage frames/frame_*.png
7. Convert the cropped frames back into an APNG file:
ffmpeg -framerate F -i frames/frame_%03d.png -c:v apng -plays 0 output.apng
Replace `F` with the original frame rate of the input APNG.