Grokking Simplicity
An old but still relevant review of a book on FP. As a programmer (surprise!!!111), I want to share something I read some time ago.
So, it’s a good book that discusses and demonstrates the benefits of FP with specific examples, language agnostic (though the narrative is primarily in “JS”). It explains how actions differ from computations-calculations, why it’s important to extract actions into them, what this yields, and how to do it (inputs-outputs). It addresses how data is treated as participants in the “code” and talks about simplicity in development.
I can’t say there were many revelations, but there are plenty of examples, lots of code, and specific pointers on what makes FP victorious. Plus, the narrative style is enjoyable. I read about 25–30% — it wasn’t boring; I didn’t even feel like sleeping, which is usually the case on a plane.
Here’s the book: The Grokking series is great overall.